Rogers HTC Dream/Magic Android Timestamp Problem

We are not even a week after launch and already problems have been arising with the new HTC Dream and HTC Magic from Rogers Wireless. Our first problem was the lack of a soft keyboard, but that was promptly fixed by some very savvy users.

The most recent issue however is one that cannot be fixed by a mere download. This problem can only be solved by making voices heard!

The Problem

Many people have reported that their HTC Dream or HTC Magic receives text messages in Eastern time, no matter what time zone they are currently in. In other words, the time stamp on a received text message is not the correct time. Rogers’ solution thus far has been to switch the phone to the 2G Network and turn off 3G, which in my opinion is not really a solution.

One user has managed to get a near fix by calling in to Rogers Tech Support and having his text message package reset. You can see the results on this here:

I have called Rogers tech support who removed and reinstated my text plan in an attempt to reset something. It now shows the CORRECT time stamp in the list of threads (when you first press “messages”), however, when you click on the thread, the time stamp changes to the wrong time again. When you go back to the list of threads, it’s now wrong there as well.

So how do we fix this?

Well, there is only one way. If you have an HTC Dream or HTC Magic from Rogers, call in to Rogers Technical Support (1-888-ROGERS1) and make a case of this problem. The support representative you speak with will log the problem and submit it, which hopefully with enough calls, will get the ball rolling a little faster on Rogers’ end.

Do you own either the HTC Dream or Magic? If so, post below what province you are in and whether you have experienced this problem or not. Afterwards, call Rogers Tech Support and make them note this issue!!!

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