Rogers: Canada's Mobile Telecom Giants

Dear Rogers: When Will Android Users Get 1.6 and 2.0 Updates?

Being Canadian, we’re known to be a patient group of individuals. We’ve honed our skills over the years as Canadians are always the last people to get the latest toys, cars, and fashions. Well, okay maybe this has changed over the past 10-15 years but really, it hasn’t.

Our fellow American Android users always have had access to the latest Android updates for their phones. However, in Canada we continue to get the shaft. This time, it’s by the first provider to sell Android units in Canada, Rogers Wireless.

Dear Rogers: Please Inform Your Android Customers When They Will Get 1.6 and 2.0 Updates!

So this is an open letter to Rogers. Think of it as “calling out” Rogers to answer to all of those early HTC Magic/Dream adopters who are eagerly waiting for 1.6 and 2.0 Android OS updates. Will they ever get them or will Rogers continue to keep users in the dark?

I’ve received countless emails and tweets from Rogers Android users about this issue. We all know that Rogers representatives read this blog. Can we get an answer please, that does not involve confusing PR dribble? Let’s get straight to the point, Rogers.

When will 1.6 and 2.0 updates arrive in Canada? Can you provide a specific date?

One other point of view is that maybe the HTC Dream/Magic hardware won’t support 2.0 firmware? Could this be an issue to bring up with Google instead? Either way, I think readers would love to hear something from “the horse’s mouth”.

If you want to speak your mind to Rogers, please let do so in the comments. Rogers will be reading this post, I guarantee it. We just want to hear an official word on 1.6/2.0 updates!

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