LG Releases Teaser Video Leading Up To MWC

LG MWC 13 Teaser


Just one day after LG’s teaser picture which stated we would be seeing a “new series,” a teaser video has been released showing off…well not much.  The video does confirm though that some sort of “breakthrough” will occur at MWC this year.  From there the video simply shows of a series of words such as “premium”, “speedy”, “stylish”, “creative.  They conclude by stating that their will be “unlimited possibilities.”  And that’s about it.

I don’t know about you, but all those collections of words look a lot like constellations and the whole commercial looks very space-y.  It’s almost like LG is creating their own galaxy to compete with thee Galaxy.  It definitely feels like a re-launch could be under way.  What do you guys think?

[LG YouTube]

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