Sony May Announce The Honami On Sept 4

Sony Press Event Sept 4

IFA is the next big tech event and the expectation is that the next batch of top of the line phones and tablets will be making their way there, including the Sony Honami.  Despite the fact that the event is about 2 months away, Sony has decided they need to get their invites out pronto to ensure that everyone checks out their show and booths!  The Honami will likely be the star of their announcement as it is probably their most highly anticipated device of all time.  As stated before, the device is the first in their line of One phones which is supposed to pull the best of Sony’s many divisions into one super device!

I’m super excited to check this phone out as I’ve always loved Sony’s stuff but they have fallen behind in many ways ever since the smartphone craze took over.  The one thing that I’m still trying to figure out is what happened with the July 4 event in Paris.  Initially everybody believed that the Honami would debut at that event.  In fact, the photo on the invite matched up perfectly with the photos that leaked of the Honami.  However, since the 4th I’ve been scouring the web trying to figure out if that event even happened and I’ve come up with nothing.  If you’ve heard or seen anything let me know!

For the time being, I guess it’s back to waiting as I look forward to Sony’s next flagship device.



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