Poll: How Much Data Do You Use?

I know this has been done before but I really want to get a taste of how much data Canadian Android users utilize on a monthly basis. Our data plans vary from other countries like the U.S. and so does our usage with data. And Android users are different than iPhone users so the results won’t necessarily be the same as every other poll out there.

Personally, I have a $30 6GB plan with Rogers and on average, I use roughly 4GB of data/month. I stream tons of internet radio (GrooveShark) and use my phone heavily throughout each day. I usually end up tethering the leftover data for some downloads around the end of the month, but we won’t count that in this calculation.

I’ve put a poll below but I’d love to know which carrier you are with and what you use all that data on. Let me know!

How much data do you use monthly?customer surveys

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