Tablet Survey [RESULTS]

So, the other week, I asked you about your tablet habit, and today let’s talk about those results.

We had 289 responses!  Not too bad.

So, who has tablets?

A surprising 74% of you did!  Now, this may be biased to the fact that only those who saw ‘tablet’ in the title answered, but still… impressive none-the-less.

So for those who have one, what’s the breakdown:

Sizes: 193 answers

>10.1″ – 1 0.5%

9.4 – 10.1″ – 161 83%

<9.4″ – 31 16%

Operating System

83% were android

[31% Asus | 22% Samsung | 18% Motorola | 8% Acer | 8% HP]

10% were Apple

[36% iPad3 | 23% iPad2 | 32% iPad1]

5% were BB

Phone too?

The last question I asked is if you rocked an Android phone as well… now, most of you here should be some Android user of some sort, so I wanted to see how that played out, knowing it’d be heavily skewed.

81% of non-Android tablet users use an Android phone (which makes sense, as we’re heavily skewed to Android device users)

10% of Android tablet users didn’t have an Android phone

So, there ya have it.  Most of you have a tablet, it’s probably Android, and most likely Asus or Samsung that’s 10″.

What’d you find interesting in the survey?

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