#patentfun April 2 – 7, 2024

#Patentfun is the weekly round up of the lawsuits that surround the Android OS.

This week is kinda light, mostly due to the holiday, and the limited time I have to put it together… but I did want to mention one thing…

Whether or not it was true what Larry page was saying about Steve Jobs (there’s been a lot of back and forth on this) the issue remains that what he’s started has really sparked a crazy series of events.  I’m hoping that somewhere this will all end.

Apple is suing HTC in Munich

This one’s about the 2 patents that they’ve already beat Motorola over, so they’re looking for an easy 2-peat.  Sigh

If you don’t recall it was the slide to unlock (seriously, we’re still fighting about this?) and a ‘photo flip’ in the gallery, being able to swipe from one photo to the next.  Pretty lame stuff if you ask me.

And seriously, where is Google in all this?  Step in, fire off the big Google guns and put an end to this.

Motorola doesn’t want to be barred by a U.S. court (at Microsoft’s request)

The back and forth on this boggles the mind.  Where they win in some, they lose in others, and now it’s really spilling out into a full fledged political battle.

Microsoft has asked a US judge to bar Motorola from trying to sue companies in the US over what it’s won in courts over in Germany.

I especially like the comment from the judge in the US who said “this is certainly outside the realm of what he normally does”… I believe there’s some real crackshot lawyers out there setting case precedents and whatnot, but… it’s got to end!


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