
Google Acquires Flutter – More Gestures Coming To Android?



Google has acquired yet another company and once again the acquisition could possibly have some implications for the Android OS.  The latest company to be acquired goes by the name Flutter.  Their application allows users to use their hands to help control music and movies on their computer.  The app utilizes the built in or stand alone webcam to detect hand movements.

While gestures aren’t anything new by any means, Android hasn’t had any native gestures like this.  Samsung has thrown a good amount of gestures into their phones recently and LG seems to be adopting some new ways to interact with your phone as well.  If some native touchless gestures were to come to Android it would definitely introduce a new way of interacting with your phone.  Pair this with Motorola’s Touchless Controls and we could be moving towards a very hands off approach to our mobile devices.

It’s completely possible that Google could be planning to use Flutter and it’s tech for other reasons.  Google Glass, for example, could definitely benefit from some sort of hands off functionality or they could integrate this into the Chromebooks.  Only time will tell I guess but it’s fun to ponder.

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