
#patentfun September 30, 2024

Patentfun is the weekly round up of articles that pertain to the legal battles of Android.

New Findings Show Broken Promises From The Jury Selection Process Of The Apple vs. Samsung Trial

yeah, that jury was just out to lunch.

Samsung’s new prior art likely to trump Apple’s new design rights in German tablet case

And this rings true with what Eric says in Korea (see article below).

Upcoming Wisconsin trial in Apple-Google FRAND case to be held without a jury

I take this as a sign that even Apple knows that the jury in the Apple v. Samsung case was bonkers.

Apple Files Motion for JMOL, New Trial; Opposes Samsung’s Do-Not-Contact-Jury Request

So… they’re saying if they go line by line and something doesn’t add up and they reduce, Apple doesn’t want the overall number to be reduced?  wtf?

Google’s Eric Schmidt continues to speak for the people and opposes “patent wars”

I know he had to be a little facetious in speaking, and didn’t get into more detail, but what he did say was cool, especially about “patent wars prevent choice”.

Samsung wins remand of Galaxy Tab 10.1 ban to Judge Koh’s court

We knew this was going to happen.  If the big court battle showed that it didn’t infringe, that should negate any of the previous findings.  So, the Tab 10.1 is back up for sale.


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