#patentfun September 2, 2024

#patentfun is the weekly round up of articles that encompass the legal battles of Android

Well, the big verdict is past us… or so we hope.  But a new one begins as they start to discuss ‘injunctive relief’ and start appeals.  Plus even newer ones have begun, but I’ll let you read on.

Before that, the invective that is becoming popular against Apple becomes uber apparent as jokes are starting to float around the internet, and they make me laugh.  Especially our own writer, Mark, wrote in his Google+ stream the other day:

Now, to the articles:

Google responds to Apple v. Samsung verdict: most claims ‘don’t relate’ to ‘core Android’

How did the Googleplex react?  As most are starting to say “what a blow to Android”… Google’s all like “it’s cool, stay calm and keep being cool”.

Apple, Samsung gear up for fight on triple damages, injunctions, and ‘no reasonable jury’

We could have long discussions on this stuff alone.  Should a highly technical case be left in the hands of a jury (see my comments about the foreman below).

Why the Apple v. Samsung Ruling May Not Hold Up [Apple Vs Samsung]

Yup… far from over.

Samsung unlikely to sacrifice manufacturing partnership with Apple in wake of trial loss

which doesn’t make sense to me… to throw such vitriol at Samsung, yet still conduct business.  It’s obvious that Apple wasn’t really ‘upset’ over the infringements, but merely just wanted to be the only dog in the race.

Samsung-Apple verdict could help Google with federal antitrust investigaton

What a twist?  Far fetched… but there’s something to the old phrase about trying to find silver linings.

Samsung plans to fight injunctions using ‘all necessary measures’

yup, far form over

Google (Motorola) forced to accept FRAND patent license to Apple in Germany

What does this mean?  Well fear-mongers like FOSS will have you believe that it’s the start of Google having to ‘admit wrongs’.  No.

Cher Wang: HTC has no plans to settle patent lawsuit with Apple

Will HTC be the next to fall, or s this a strong showing of a tide of fury against Apple.

Judgement is in, but Samsung won’t have to face the music until December 6 in Apple patent trial

Still a long way away!  And don’t believe the whole “they paid in nickels” story you’ve heard.

Samsung threatens to sue Apple if next iPhone has LTE

this isn’t directly “android related”, but I can’t refuse a good zinger!

Google and Apple CEO’s Reportedly Engaging In Over-The-Phone Patent Talks


New Zealand bans software patents, but developer community sees loopholes

Not directly Android related, but you can definitely see how it ‘could’.

Interesting play, you kiwis!

Apple loses Samsung patent case in Japan (update)

Essentially it’s a wash here…

That jury foreman encites me to rage!

This is just my opinion, but it’s based on that video… which if you pick apart, you can find many things.

Apple v. Samsung jury foreman: only the ‘court of popular opinion’ can change the patent system

Samsung/Apple Jury Foreman’s Explanation For Verdict Shows He Doesn’t Understand Prior Art

The Foreman’s Aha Moment in Apple v. Samsung Was Based on Misunderstanding Prior Art ~pj – Updated

No surprise: Samsung wants US injunction hearings moved up

I believe that this is because they’re a little emboldened that they can prevent this, so they’re hoping to get it out of the way soon.

Apple turns up the pressure on Samsung, adds more devices to second patent suit

Just after we hear that Google and Apple’s CEO are starting to have talks.

This is against the Note and the S3, where they believe that there’s a few patents that the devices infringe:

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