
#patentfun [Nov 11 ’12]

It’s been a while since I covered this topic… so I thought it might be time to look at it again.

#Patentfun is a topic that covers the legal goings-on that surround the Android OS.

What’s changed?  Not a whole heck of a lot, we’re still arguing the big Sam v. Apple case, and then there’s some other news in that front, but what about the rest?

Judge cancels trial, tosses Apple’s FRAND lawsuit against Google’s Motorola Mobility

I’m not entirely up on my FRAND scenarios… but essentially not being able to come to terms with Apple saying they’ll only pay, at maximum, $2 per device… but when they wanted to charge others up to $30/device… I can see why the Judge might say ‘gtfo’.

Apple Adds Note 10.1 And Galaxy Nexus Jelly Bean Update To Lawsuit Against Samsung

Nothing really new about Apple suing Samsung… but what’s interesting here is that they’ve specifically named Jelly Bean / Android 4.1 in the case.

What gives?  If you’ve got an issue with the OS, go after the developer…. not the OEM.  I think is where I take the most umbrage with the whole patent wars is that it’s ‘fighting by proxy’.  Maybe I deal with my conflicts in a different manner.

Apple ordered to pay $368 million after losing case to patent holding firm

Okay, this isn’t ‘Android related’, but I put it in as a point, as I tend to reference it a fair bit in the other items.

A patent troll has gone after Apple, and won.  A troll beat a troll… feels like the patent system just divided by 0.

Apple and HTC settle all patent litigation with 10 year license agreement

Wow… I guess Apple losing to a troll recently has them somewhat on edge.  I hadn’t heard much about HTC lately in this patent war stuff, as it’s centred mostly on Moto and FRAND and Sammie and Apple.

But what’s nice is it sort of puts some peace between the 2 companies.  It’s financial at the base, but at least it’s a way to put an end to one front.  And it’s future active — for the next 10 years, Apple can’t complain about HTC.

How will this affect HTC devices using software based on Android work?  I.e. what if a newer version of android has some features that Apple takes offense at, and fires off at Samsung about it… would they go after HTC as well?  Well, they haven’t really in the past either… these lawsuits haven’t really been unilateral.  But it’s an interesting point.  It could be something that the others look at very closely.

Should a new suit against Motorola pop up, and it turns out that HTC is using it in their phones, they could then say that they should also point the finger at HTC, but HTC would ‘impervious’… who knows?

Judge agrees to consider Samsung’s accusations of juror misconduct in Apple patent trial

Yup, that’s still going on.  That juror really is going to ‘disappear’ at some point… stuffed with apples in his mouth, heh.  But it’s a possibility that Samsung has here that potentially Apple knew of his involvement in a patent suit against Samsung in his past.  So… who knows.

I’ve called it all along that the $1billion will not get paid. Heck, the amount Apple will have to pay the patent troll will end up being more than what Samsung will have to pay Apple.

Check out Groklaw’s article on this too.


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