
#patentfun – September 16, 2024

Just when you think the unhappiness between each other is starting to cool down (as you can see by some reports of Samsung’s image doing just fine), out comes the claws with Samsung’s new ad campaign.  Not helping anything.

Even Woz weighs in on how dumb this thing is getting.  Check out his comments:  The Woz weighs in on Apple-Samsung patent war: “I hate it”

Why the Apple vs Samsung $1 billion verdict is correct and should stand

This is an interesting take from an Android site no less.  It’s a lengthy read, but provides a good perspective on the whole thing.  I still say #boycott Apple.

HTC Could Win Ban Against New iPad and New iPhone Based on LTE Patents

ITC Judge Rules That Apple Didn’t Violate Samsung’s Patents

Was this to be the ‘don’t you dare get 4G’ case?  No… that still hasn’t happened (yet).

Claim check: if Apple patented rounded corners, Google patented linked documents

This was an article by FOSS that I actually started to go “oh cool, he’s going to be reasonable”… but no.

Acer forced to halt device launch over Android compliance – here’s why

This is an interesting development, and one I don’t think many people truly understand.  Yes, Android is open source.  Do what you want with it, but if you stray to far, then you can’t be considered part of the OHA.  Our writer Mark put a good post about it on his G+ stream.

Even Andy Rubin took to his own G+ stream to add his remarks.  Definitely worth a few minutes read.

Motorola loses rubber-banding patent case against Apple in Germany

An interaction to help you realize you’ve come to the end of the scrolling… how is that a true to life ‘patent’?  Well, with Moto now being a part of Google, and we’re seeing how much closer to stock their devices are becoming (see my Atrix review), the ‘bounceback’ will definitely be less seen as they now use overscroll highlights and reflective ‘bending’.

 Apple v. Samsung Verdict Lacks Sufficient Detail To Support Enhancing More Than 6.4% Of Monetary Award For Willful Infringement

Interesting… like I said, the verdict in the Apple v. Samsung case is hardly nearing an end…

Apple’s lawsuits against Samsung has prompted Google to rethink their stance on patents

A very good look into the way that Apple and Google have build their business model and incorporated the ‘patent system’ into it.

Apple to sue Polish online grocery website

File this under ‘wtf’.  Nobody’s safe from Apple’s legal scrutiny.  They OWN everything.  I’m going to be more careful in the produce section from now on.

Microsoft-Motorola dispute over proper way to determine FRAND royalty rates continues

Apple and Samsung Argue About Apple’s “Non-Jury Issues”

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