
Our Google+ Page is just about to pass a milestone!

As you all know, we’ve been big Google+ fans here at AiC… Tom even gave up on FB and was using G+ solely (until he recently gave Twitter another try).

Both Tom’s and my personal G+ pages are listed below if you’d like to circle us.

But more importantly, we also manage a Google+ Page for the AiC site.  And we’re about to do something cool… we’re about to pass 1,000 followers.

Yeah, small potatoes I know.  There are some blogs out there that get 1000 comments a day.  But for us that’s big.

We only have 300 ‘likes’ on Facebook, but yet almost 3,500 on Twitter.

Anyways, would love to get over 1,000 before the end of the week.  If you have any folk that are ‘droid users and are Canadian… this is the blog they should be following, and send them on over to Circle our page!

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