
How did you get here? [reader poll]

We really love writing for the blog.  For Tom and I it’s a hobby/passion thing, and it’s really nice to share our opinions of the things we like with you, our reader.

And we really do try our best to write for you.  We want to make this blog one of your favourites!  Obviously it’s hard to compete against some of the biggies out there, but we’re trying; and we want to do better.

So, I’m making up a poll.

I want to know from you, how did you get here?  What did you like?  How do you stay up to date with us? …and finally, of course, what can we do better?

I really want to interact with you as best as possible to ensure that you keep coming back, and that you recommend us.  I want this blog to be collaborative between Tom and I with you.  We try to respond to each and every comment on the blog and on Google+ and Facebook (trying to get a handle on the Twitter account).

So, please answer, answer honestly, and SHARE this survey with your friends and your social media outlets.

[can’t see the survey?  click here]

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