
Hangout tomorrow night (Friday Nov 16)

We may even do this one ‘on air’.

Scheduled for Friday, November 16th @ 11pm EST.

It’s been a good opportunity to get a few of the readers together and discuss some of the topics at hand.

Tomorrow we’re working on a more formalized ‘agenda’.  If you have topics you’d like to see discussed, let us know.

So far, on the docket is:

  • Nexus ‘debacle’ (?) & 4.2 AOSP
  • Cyanogenmod scenario
  • GoogleTV updates
  • Optimus G / 4XHD
  • Sony Xperia ion — NFC tags
  • App ‘coliseum’ (where each person can talk about one app they’re using currently and really like).

It’s usually about an hour, but if discussion is good, we can work it longer.

Let us know if you want to join, or have topics you’d like to discuss!

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