
Hey! We’re On Facebook Now Too

If you got up this morning and thought to yourself “I need more ways to follow my favourite Android blog,” you’re in luck. We just got Facebook and we’re pretty lonely over there (no one likes us yet except me!) So head on over and check us out, say hi!

And since you love your social networking so much, we’ve had Twitter for a long time and that’s another place you can be following us. And of course, there’s the blog to subscribe to via RSS in your favourite reader which I highly recommend if you don’t wanna miss out on anything.

Excited to get some stuff up on there for you guys and I will try my best to stay a bit more active on the social side. Maybe even some exclusive content?! who knows.

As always, you can follow me personally on twitter right over here. Hope to get a chance to talk to all of you out there!

[Facebook, Twitter, RSS, @pedram13]

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