
A Year In a Day With Tom Gray

Hello my fellow Android in Canada readers.

It has been a full year today since I started writing for AiC. I wanted to take this opportunity and look back from where I started to the present day.

When I first wrote my first article on June 5th 2024, it was the first time I had ever written for a blog or any kind of website for that matter, needless to say my writing was pretty terrible. Not having a very good grasp on my English writing skills, I took a lot of criticism and finger pointing to snap myself in shape. Though I have come a long way, my writing skills still need lots of work, but looking back I can clearly see an improvement since last year.

A couple weeks to a month had passed and I felt myself getting over burdened, I was the only writer for Android in Canada at that time. Luckily a writer by the name of Ryan Moore joined the team and really made my life a lot easier. Myself being named Chief Editor was a bit of a gulp for me, especially with Ryan Moore by my side. He had a way better grasp over the English writing skills, also had some previous experience in writing. I often thought our positions should have been switched.

All that aside, Ryan Moore has really stepped up and has taken equal if not more control of Android in Canada and with the two of us working together, we’ve really got something coming along here.

Through my course of this year, I found myself slowly becoming more established. Making new friends, meeting a lot a great people on our primary social media hub (Google+). Google+ is where a lot of our loyal follower and readers actually noticed us and many have endured the year together with us.

Android in Canada is by no means anywhere near the top 10 spot for a blog. We are just a couple of simple guys with a simple goal. We balance our work, family, and what ever time we can dedicate to AiC. At times running a blog that’s running on the backs of two guys can often be stressful and a lot of work, but it’s really the community and seeing people jump in and share stories and a common bond is what really makes it all worth it in the end.

Before my Android days, having worked for RIM on the BlackBerry Beta and Dev team, as well as being a huge iPhone fanboy in the past has really given me the opportunity to learn the entire mobile field. I recently picked up a Windows Phone and started experimenting to get a better understanding of the last piece of the puzzle.

Having used all four corners of the mobile world and nearly owned every phone, I have always been able to point out the good and the bad on each team which has really helped me in the past for a better understanding of the big picture. The thing I love so much about mobile phones, is they are always evolving, you can never learn it all. So my quest for knowledge continues…


Present Day:

At this present day, I find myself with a new bundle of joy and a real family to look after. Our baby is about a month old and requires a lot of time and attention. All that being said, I have decided to step down as the Chief editor of Android in Canada. I have high hopes that Ryan Moore will fill my position, but only time will tell.

This doesn’t mean I’m dead and gone. You’ll still find me posting on but it won’t be on a timed schedule or as frequently, you’ll also continue to see me active on Google+. so I’ll still be around, just not as much on AiC, so feel free to continue to message me and share articles, I’d love to see them all!

Until then my friends, I’ll cya all around Google+ and also around my posted articles on AiC perhaps about once a week or so. I’ll try and keep my giveaways flowing now and again too.

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