Android TV

Meet The Nexus Player – The First Android TV Device

Nexus Player


In addition to the Nexus 9 and Nexus 6, another new Nexus came along today, one that we weren’t really expecting but are happy to see.  Meet the Nexus Player, the first device powered by Google’s new Android TV.  As always, here are the specs:

  • 1.8GHz Quad Core, Intel® Atom™
  • Imagination PowerVR Series 6 Graphics 2D/3D Engine
  • 1GB RAM
  • 8GB Internal Storage
  • 120mm x 120mm x 20mm
  • 235g

As stated, the Player will run Google’s new version of Android specifically made for set top boxes, Android TV.  As you likely saw back when Google first unveiled Android TV, the UI is greatly simplified and brings your media content to the forefront.  You can also install all your favourite media-centric apps onto the Player as well and it also seems that the Player will double as a Chromecast.

In addition to all the video watching you can do on the Player, gaming was also given some attention.  There’s an optional Gamepad that you can pick up for the Nexus Player so you can get your Android gaming on on the big screen!

As with the Nexus 9, no price was listed for the Player but pre-orders will also begin on the 17th.  If the price is right, I might go ahead and pick one of these guys up.

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