Android TabletsRumours

Possible 11″ Samsung Tablet Shows Up At Trial

In case you haven’t heard (and if you haven’t you’ve been on another planet for a while), Samsung and Apple are involved in a huge patent trial.  This has been an ongoing battle for… I can’t remember how long any more.  While I find the whole thing absurd and unnecessary, if there is any silver lining to this debacle is that it has offered up a deeper look here and there into both companies.

Today we get wind of a possible 11.8″ Tablet coming from Samsung.  The device, codenamed P10, shows up on a list of devices released/being released by Samsung.  Rumours are that it features a screen resolution of 2560 x 1600, LTE-connectivity and a  2GHz Exynos processor.

Now we have no idea if this device is indeed coming to market.  But it’s possible Samsung just has it in it’s back pocket if the need for larger tablets were to come into play (as Toshiba seems to think).


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