Android Tablets

A New Use For Your Nexus 7

I just got back from my trip so I’m just getting back to the my Nexus 7 (it’s still wrapped!).  So the Q&A will be coming soon.  If you have any other questions leave them in the Q&A post.  In the meantime I have some other cool Nexus 7 news for you.  Well I guess it’s not really news but just something cool.

The team at Sonic Electronix decided they had to mount their shiny new tablet into their truck, a 2024 Dodge Ram.  They custom designed the panel to fit the tablet into the dash.  I have to admit, I quite like it.  And minus the costs of putting together the dash (which I don’t know the cost of), it’s a pretty affordable little entertainment dock.  Plus with the ability to download maps for offline, you have your GPS there too.

If I had a little more know how I’d probably try it out myself.  But for now I’ll just marvel at the ingenuity of others.


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