Android Phones

Xperia ZU Surfaces Again – Possibly Confirming Pencil/Pen Input?

Xperia ZU Pencil Input



The upcoming Sony Xperia ZU is all over the place lately.  Leaked photos have surfaced a few times and an official invite from Sony for something “big” came forth a few days ago.  Today we’re getting another random photo that may possibly confirm one of the very unique rumoured features of Sony’s phablet.  Besides the massive size of the display, it is also rumoured to support input from your everyday pen/pencil and as you can see in the photo above it definitely looks that way.

Alongside the picture above was a spec sheet that more or less lines up with all the rumoured specs of a 6.4″ 1080p diaply and Snapdragon 800 processor.  Now you need to keep in mind that all these things are still rumours at this point despite all the evidence that has come forth so some things may not make it to the final device.  Nevertheless, I’m personally getting more and more excited about this device.  While it does seem ridiculously big, the Note was ridiculously big when I first switched to that and now I have trouble using anything smaller.

Anybody thinking of making this their next phone?

Xperia ZU Spec Sheet


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