Android Phones

Want To See The Note 3′s New Features In Action? Check Out This Video

The Note 3 is finally here!  Well… not quite here but it was announced at least!  On the spec side of things, the phone is exactly what we expected it to be.  Larger screen, better processor and camera, more memory and more storage, etc.  The design isn’t a huge departure from previous Galaxy devices but the new faux leather back is interesting.  I’m not sure how I feel about it quite yet.  I’ll need to get my hands on it before I decide whether I like it or not.

On the software side of things, Samsung has brought a bunch of new software features to the phone as many would have assumed.  They have definitely given the S-Pen some special attention and have, at least theoretically, made the S-Pen that much more usable and functional.  I just say theoretically because you never know how often you’ll actually use these features until you actually start using the phone on a daily basis.

To help show off these new features, Samsung has thrown together a 6 minute video walkthrough of the all new Galaxy Note 3.  They do a pretty thorough job covering all the new features so it’s definitely worth a watch.

So after seeing the Note 3 in action how many are thinking of picking one up?

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