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Tbaytel offering promotion to switch users over to 4G HSPA #deal

So, Tbaytel has made some major play in the past couple years.  The whole Rogers ‘merger’, expansion of the network, etc… they really want people on their new 4G/HSPA+ network nowadays, and in order to help entice more people onto it they’re offering a pretty decent deal.

(side note… if your account is under the name of a Chamber organization you save an extra 15%)


So, not a bad deal really!  Good until April 30th.  (it doesn’t say so on the advert, but when we went in, it also covered the voicemail option too)

It applies to folks who have old cellphones and wanting to get a smartphone, or if you’re an old Rogers user who’s still on a ‘transition plan’.  Oh, and if you’re an old Rogers customer they’ll even still give you the extra $150 account credit for switching fully over.

Do the math folks… that’s $720 saving over the 3 years.  Plus a subsidized new phone.  It’s got me thinking.  I could do it, get a new Nexus… or wait until the Galaxy Note gets to town and cash in then.

For my wife it was a no-brainer… she’ll save money each month & she gets a shiny new Nexus (finally got rid of that Acer Liquid E).


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