Android PhonesNewstbaytel

Tbaytel gets the Galaxy Note (somebody talk me out of buying it)

Saw this last night on MobileSyrup, so I contacted everyone I could to ensure that this is in fact correct.  And it is.  Just not on their website yet.

So, couple that with the deal I reported earlier and it’s something I’m seriously considering.

The Note is the exact same as the Rogers one, and as Mobile Syrup pointed out it’s missing the LTE… but not so.  It has LTE, just in the area there is no LTE option, so they didn’t advertise that portion in their flyer.

I’m waiting for some promotional materials from Tbaytel directly… but until then you can look at what Mobile Syrup provided:

The pricing is right in line with Rogers as well.  $200 on a 3 year plan, $700 outright.


So, right now for me, it would be a chance to change my plan to the new promotional $45/month (which is about $15 less than I pay right now, give or take).  The phone would be $200, plus as a previous Rogers customer they are offering an extra $150 account credit.  (So, I’m $870 bonus on the account, and then $200 factored in, still $670 …).  Plus I have a fairly new Nexus that I could see about selling (any buyers?).

Someone tell me why I SHOULDN’T get this deal.  Afterall, Tom has shown that you can root and install ICS on the device (which should get the update soon) and technically not have Google know it’s rooted.  (Look for an article today).

Here’s my breakdown of why/why not



  • Better camera
  • Stylus! (I’ve missed that from my old palm days)
  • Would be faster than my Nexus (1.5GHz vs. the 1.2GHz)
  • not a bad deal
  • only Gingerbread (but ICS coming soon)
  • it’s big (no ‘too big for your hand jokes)
  • I just bought a Nexus

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