Android PhonesNews

tbaytel now has the Galaxy Nexus!

Okay, breaking!

If you follow me on G+, you’ll know my recent struggle with getting a Galaxy Nexus.

That aside, I just got word today from someone at tbaytel that they DO HAVE STOCK of the phone.  There are some in Thunder Bay currently!

Now, here’s the caveat:  call ahead.  Each dealer has to place their order with tbaytel to get the stock into their stores.

Also, the pricing hasn’t been officially confirmed, but when I talked to one dealer they said it would “be in line with Rogers’ price points”.  So, we’d be looking at $599 outright (tho’ when I tried to order online the call centre said $575), or $99 on a 3 year plan.

Personally, I had one of the dealers special order the phone from another location in Winnipeg.  I called them to see if they had any in yet as part of regular stock, and they said no, not yet.

So, if you’re in “the Bay”, start making some calls!

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