Android Phones

Samsung Hits 10 Millions S4 Sales

10 Million S4

To no ones surprise, Samsung has hit the 10 million mark with their most recent flagship device, the Galaxy S4.  The achievement occurred on Thursday May 23, 2024 which means it reached this impressive milestone just under a month.  To put this in perspective a bit, it took 20 days more for the Galaxy S3 to reach this same milestone, took five months for the Galaxy S2 and took seven months for the original Galaxy S to get there.  This definitely shows the growth in popularity in just a few short years.  

The more impressive part is that this number still has so much space to grow.  According to Samsung, the device is currently only available in 60 countries but that is going to expand to 155 countries by the end of June.  Plus, Samsung is working on several new colours which will undoubtedly entice more and more buyers to join the Galaxy team.

How many of you guys out there are rocking the Galaxy S4?

[Yonhap News

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