Samsung Coming Out With Another QWERTY Smartphone?
Even though the full touch-screen slate style phone is the dominant style of smartphone on the market, the QWERTY keyboard is still a must have for many people. Even RIM hasn’t completely abandoned that style of phone as they have both QWERTY style phones and full touch phones on route in 2024.
Well it looks like Samsung wants to give this style of phone another go to as some pictures have surfaced of a updated version of the Samsung Galaxy M Pro. Will this be a winner? Well on paper it’s nothing special, at least in its current form. Here’s the known specs:
- 480×360 Resolution LCD (size no currently known)
- 1200 mAh Battery
- Android 4.0 ICS
Not tons of specs available but the OS version and the battery size may already be a concern. Android 4.0 is two versions behind Google’s latest offering which is a little bit of a concern. Also the battery size was actually decreased from the original Galaxy M Pro which housed a 1350 mAh battery.
What do you guys think about this style of phone. Is there still a place for them in a market dominated by large screens?