Android Phones

No Gorilla Glass for the Galaxy Nexus … should you worry?

So the gNexus [as I’m affectionately calling the Galaxy Nexus these days] takes another slam over its screen specs.  We’ve heard some recent rumblings over the fact that it’ll use a pentile display and not the standard RGB.

Now we hear from Corning that the glass used is not our ultra durable Gorilla Glass.

Is it ready to start the murmurings?  Still early by my books.  The phone isn’t out.  Wait ’till we see it and then we’ll OOOH and AHHH all over it and forget Gorilla Glass.

My tablet has GG, but I still baby the thing as though i might scratch it [despite the videos to the contrary], and same goes for my phone.  So I, for one, am not that concerned by what’s covering the display.


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Oh, and here’s my shameless plug for more space!

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