Android Phones

LG G Flex 2 Pricing Tipped

LG G Flex 2 Amazon

LG is officially the first major manufacturer to utilize the Snapdragon 810 as they have equipped their flexible sequel, the G Flex 2, with the powerhouse processor.  We still don’t know if this beast of a phone is coming to Canada but if it does, we may now have an idea of the price.

Amazon Germany has put the G Flex 2 up for pre-order and have it priced at EUR 599.00.  Doing a straight conversion brings that whopping $845 BUT as we’ve seen in the past, North American prices are rarely ever a straight conversion.  Rather, European to North American prices often match dollar for dollar despite the difference in the exchange rate.  So then my estimate is that the LG G Flex 2 will cost between $600 and $650 CAD.  No too shabby for such a device!

We are, of course, jumping the gun a bit as we don’t know if Canada is one of the destinations for the G Flex 2.  However, Rogers did carry the original Flex so seems plausible that they pick up the sequel as well.

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