Android Phones

HTC Extends Their $100 Trade-In Credit Again

HTC $100 Credit


HTC has decided to go an extend their $100+ trade-in credit once again as you now have until June 19, 2024 to take advantage of this deal.  To me, this move says they’re either selling really well and want to pass that on to their customers or they’r selling really poorly and are just trying to grab people in with this.  My bet is on the former as I can personally attest to the popularity of this device.  A good number of these have been coming off the shelves and for the couple of weeks I was testing the device, it definitely generated a lot of interest in those who saw me using it.

As I’ve said before, HTC just needs to step up their marketing game.  They have a great device but nobody knows about it because there’s nobody and no advertising talking about it.  I really don’t want to see HTC dwindle away into irrelevance because they don’t know how to market their phones!

How many of you guys picked up this guy?   And how you liking it if you did?

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