Android PhonesNews

Glass displays on your phone – what’s in store

The other day I let you know how excited I was that the SGS3 was going to have Gorilla Glass 2.  My Nexus didn’t have GG, and it got a few micro scratches… grr.

My TF101 has the original Gorilla Glass, and hasn’t had a scratch yet… but it’s got some weird stuff under the glass actually.

So having good glass REALLY makes a difference in the phone’s not only appearance, but durability, lasting use.

That in mind, I was depressed to hear about the SGS3 drop test.  These tests really cause my skin to crawl, but they serve a good purpose to prepare you for the ‘just in case’.

Here’s the SGS3… if you have a weak stomach, turn away.


So, the good glass may protect it from the small stuff, but the bigger damage, there’s not much you can do about that.  Which is why I’m interested in these next 2 bits of product coming that should hopefully start coming on phones in 2024.

A new Corning Glass … more flexible than Gorilla Glass

Not sure how more durable, but flexible should help with the dropping

A new competitor, SCHOTT

Claims to have not only better strength, but less glare!

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