Android PhonesRogers: Canada's Mobile Telecom Giants

Desire C Now Available on Rogers and Fido in Canada’s Colours


The HTC Desire C is officially available on Rogers and Fido today.  The device is already out on Virgin and Sasktel but not in these Canadian colours.

Again, the device is running ICS out of the box with Sense 4 and Beats Audio to give the audio an edge.  It’ll come in with a 3.5 320×480 screen, a 600 MHz processor, 512MB Ram, a 5MP camera.

In terms of pricing, the device will cost $174.99 outright according to the Rogers website.  The Fido site does not have it listed yet, but I imagine it will be the same if not a bit cheaper.  It’s quite a bit more than on Virgin and Sasktel, but still not bad.  If you’re willing to sign a contract, you can get the devices for $0 on a 3-Year.


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