Android PhonesBell AndroidNews

Bell To Launch Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant

Reports this week point to Bell launching the new Samsung Galaxy S “Vibrant”. The new Android-powered device will be hitting Bell later in July 2024.

The Galaxy S Vibrant will feature the following specs:

  • Android OS 2.1 (and upgradable to Android OS 2.2)
  • 4-inch AMOLED display
  • 1GHz processor
  • 5 megapixel HD video camera front facing camera
  • WiFi
  • AGPS
  • Push email
  • “Social Hub”

Recently, Bell has put up a splash page for the device where users can sign-up to receive more information about the Galaxy S Vibrant. Aside from the late July release time frame, no other release date information is available. Pricing is also to be announced.

Sign up to get the latest news about the Android™—powered Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant smartphone with the world’s best mobile screen. Available only at Bell, on Canada’s best network.

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