Android Phones in Canada

This was my most recent “d’uh” moment.  We are (hoping to be) the Android In Canada website out there, and we need to know what phones are operating in here.

This is also in response to a request from our reader feedback poll about collating a huge list of what kinds of plans are available in Canada.

So, I decided that in order to build that database, we should probably start with what phones are available first.  This can hopefully grow into something much MUCH bigger in the end.  Sure, sure there is out there, but I was hoping for something a little more comprehensive.

Right now it’s just a list of phones and how much they are based on ‘outright’ or ‘subsidized’ on a variety of carriers.

Down the road, we can start filling it in with what OS version they’re on, stats, upgrade path settings etc… THEN down the road I hope to have a full list of all the plans etc… so this could be THE check-in spot for a Canadian looking for Android phone information.

So, here it is in a pre-alpha state — let me know what you think. It’s been a week just compiling this simple data.

If you don’t like the look of the HTML formatted Google Spreadsheet, you can view it here (unembedded):

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