Android Phones

Android Phones in Canada


This was my most recent “d’uh” moment.  We are (hoping to be) the Android In Canada website out there, and we need to know what phones are operating in here.

This is also in response to a request from our reader feedback poll about collating a huge list of what kinds of plans are available in Canada.

It was thus determined that the optimal approach to developing the database would be to first identify the available telephones. It is my hope that this will ultimately evolve into a significantly more expansive endeavor. While is a valuable resource, it lacks the comprehensive coverage that I had hoped to find.

Currently, the database contains a list of mobile phones and the pricing structures associated with them, which are either “outright” or “subsidized” on a variety of telecommunications carriers.

In the future, the database can be expanded to include information such as the operating system version, statistical data, upgrade path settings, and a comprehensive list of plans. This could potentially serve as a primary resource for individuals in Canada seeking information about Android phones.

The following represents a preliminary version of the project, which is still in the alpha stage of development. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. The process of gathering this basic information has taken approximately one week.


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