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Samsung Galaxy S2 getting ICS… in Israel [#Beware_the_ides_of_March]

Okay, so I know this is what A LOT of you users are waiting for.  The S2 lineup from Samsung was a SUPER popular phone for Android users.  We were told a while back that the phone would get the ICS update.

And this slow sluggish roll out of ICS to other devices has a lot of people even asking “does ICS exist?”  Recent usage charts show it at still approximately only 1% (don’t protest against us please!)

Well, there’s a glimmer of hope right now as from Samsung’s Israel Facebook page, they are saying that the S2 will get the update in March 15th (hence the ‘ides of March’ comment in the post title)

If you try to go to the link now, it says it’s unavailable… hrmm… could really have used Sivan’s help translating much of what I did find.

If I remember correctly with the previous types of updates, it tended to do the ‘soak tests’ over in UK, then Australia before hitting North America.  Not really sure where the middle East stood in that pecking order… but it’s a good sign… if true.  But it would be in line with what Samsung told us way back when…

 Other phones waiting for ICS?

There’s a lot!

Let’s have a look at the previous list.   From this we can see that several are dangerously close to missing their window of opportunity!

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