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HTC Desire Updated to 2.3, Canada excluded?

Not to long ago I posted that HTC had said they were going to release HTC Desire’s Gingerbread update before the end of July ( LINK HERE )  Naturally we thought everyone who had an HTC Desire would be able to grab this update, as thats normally how it goes. Well this time around it seems that many places were excluded for unknown reasons.

HTC promised an upgrade to OS 2.3 Gingerbread for Desire owners “by the end of July”, a day late but it’s been fulfilled as it’s started to roll out only in the UK. There are some other concerns with this anticipated update too. HTC originally stated that the Desire would not be upgraded to 2.3 due to a memory issue, then users responded and HTC joyfully said they’ll make a modified update that will “cut select apps from the release”. Well, today on Facebook HTC noted that “This update is only recommended for expert users who want to experience Android 2.3 and understand the limitations which apply to this update to the HTC Desire”… here they are:

– All customizations, including operator applications, will be removed
– Several HTC applications will be removed and placed online on the HTC Developer website
– The official Facebook application will be removed and is downloadable on the Android Market.
– All wallpapers, except the default wallpaper, will be removed and placed online on the HTC Developer website

In addition, this update is not yet available to all Desire owners, Canada, United States, Germany, South Korea and Japan have been excluded with no word on when we can expect it to come through. In a somewhat hands-off approach HTC also said they are not responsible for anything that happens to your Desire if/when you upgrade: “This Rom update is for development only and not for general public use. Upgrades to non-authorized phones may result in loss of functionality. In addition certain functions may no longer be usable after re-flashing the ROM, including but not limited to MMS and SMS and HTC also disclaims liability for any unusable functions. HTC disclaims liability for the loss and/or leakage of any personal data resulting from the re-flashing of the ROM.”

Source: HTC Facebook
Via: ThisIsMyNext.

Of course this comes as an upset to those of who have been waiting for this update, watching others including the bigger brother Desire HD getting its update not long ago. For those of you who have an HTC Desire, how does this strike you? I use to have an HTC Desire and if I still did and were waiting for this update, I would feel like HTC just basically gave the finger to have of its Desire customers.

Let us know what you think and how you feel HTC has handled this flip flopping, Yes, no , yes, no HTC Desire update, just to feed some of the hungry owners while excluding many others.


Want to get additional information, or chat with Tom Gray? You can find him on his Google+ page.

Link to Tom Gray’s Google+ Page.




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