Google to Release a Nexus Tablet?

Ever dream of a pure Google Tablet to go with you Nexus S or Galaxy Nexus? Those days might just be around the corner.

MobileSyrup reported:

Google’s ever-vocal Chairman, Eric Schmidt, has told an Italian newspaper that the company plans to bring a Nexus tablet to market in the next six months. While the Motorola Xoom is ostensibly the first “Nexus” tablet, since it runs a Google-moderated stock version of Honeycomb and will be the first with Ice Cream Sandwich, it is still very much a Motorola product.

According to Schmidt, “In the next six months we plan to market a tablet of the highest quality,” though he didn’t give any specifics as to who would manufacture the device.  Considering Google is closing outa $12 billion deal to purchase Motorola Mobility it would make sense for the Xoom maker to be the one, but as they’ve shown with their latest Nexus phones, Samsung has proven a worthy OEM partner.

Schmidt also commented that Google is bringing a Siri competitor to the market.

I’m not much of a tablet guy, but this has even got my excited. I have always been a fan of the pure Google phones, just to know we will have a tablet to join the ranks is nothing short of thrilling.

With the release of the quad core Asus Transformer Prime just days away, Google will have to release one hell of a tablet to compete against current and near future competition. Of course this being pretty far away still, there has been no list or even rumours of hardware specs. Rumours never take long to surface, so we should have a lot of fun with this soon.

Thanks to Jordan Tellier for bringing this to my attention

[Source: MobileSyrup]

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