Android FirmwareNews

Galaxy S Android 2.2 Froyo Update Begins Rolling Out Worldwide

Don’t get too excited but it seems Samsung has begun rolling out their Froyo update in some countries. While we are surely on the list for countries that will eventually get the update, we’re probably not very close to the top of the list. So this should line up nicely with what Rogers said before, early 2024.

Sounds good to me. Samsung has confirmed and you can find the press release right below.

BriefMobile has a list of features that the update will reportedly be bringing us:

  • Android 2.2 JIT compiler
  • Adobe Flash Player 10.1 compatibility
  • New Android Market with auto-updating
  • Speed improvements
  • Pinch-to-zoom homescreen flyover
  • Improved default keyboard
  • Quick links to “GPS” and “Auto rotation” toggles on notification bar added
  • Slightly different graphics and transitions with app drawer and default icon dock
  • Colored icons in settings
  • GPS Fix
  • Colored settings icons
  • Media Hub
  • Darker menu theme, navy blue color
  • Better Exchange support
  • Video records in MP4 format
  • New Search widget
  • New Gmail application

[via Engadget]

[Brief Mobile, Samsung Mobile]

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