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Galaxy Note S-Pen App Challenge

If you’ve seen my recent review of the Galaxy Note, you’ll notice that I tended to use the term ‘novelty’ a fair bit.  And partly that is because of the fact that the apps that Samsung had in mind for the Note and it’s pen aren’t quite evolved yet.  And I get that.

Well, Samsung has a great way to expand that app availability for your S-Pen (am I supposed to call it ‘spen’, or ‘s’ ‘pen’… ?), have a challenge to see who can make the best app.

Crowd sourcing at it’s best.  I mean, you’ll grab a lot of developer attention with $205,000 in prizes!

Submissions are all in and as of yesterday the apps are available to be voted on until next week.

What’s your favourite so far?  I’m liking PlayCall, as I could really use something like that for visualizing marching orders for the band.

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