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Samsung’s Unicorn Apocalypse Is Real And Available On The Play Store

Unicorn Apoclypse


If you watch any TV at all there’s a good chance you’ve seen Samsung’s commercials featuring their made up game, Unicorn Apocalypse.  The purpose of the ads was to promote the security that the Galaxy Note II and Galaxy S III could offer for businesses.  Well it turns out that the game isn’t so made up as it is now available for download in the Google Play Store.

I’ve included a trailer below for your viewing pleasure.  It’s your average side-scrolling type of game that, in some ways, reminds me of a ridiculous version of Metal Slug.  I can’t actually try it out as it’s apparently not available in our lovely country yet but what can you do.  In reading the reviews, it looks like there’s a lot of work to be done on this game as many users are reported bugs and crashes on a regular basis.

While it’s cool that Samsung actually brought this into fruition as a follow up to their ads, they probably should have made sure it would work well before releasing it and probably should have opened up the availability a little bit more.  I’m sure it’ll become available eventually but nothing yet.

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