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Samsung Nexus S to get ICS 4.0 Very Soon

I have been asked countless times within the past couple weeks when the Nexus S will be getting Ice Cream Sandwich, and finally we have a little extra ground to run on.

Rumours have been flying wild recently, mostly around the Galaxy S III. There have been a thousand and one Galaxy S III leaks and photos, personally I think it’s just blogs juicing an exciting product for all they can, grasping at any and all strings.

A rumour that actually holds water is the Nexus S will finally be receiving its ICS update. The whispering across the internet is that Google will be pushing it out “within a couple weeks”. Until then, we can only keep our fingers crossed and hope. Surely Google has fixed these errors by now, they have had all the time in the world.

Google originally pushed out the ICS 4.0 update for the T-Mobile (i9020-T) Nexus S in December which was quickly pulled due to a number of bugs. We heard there was over heating and battery issues. We’re hoping that Google has finally been able to sort things out and will be able to deliver a stable update before the end of March.

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