Hotmail app updated [better ICS support]

Although the majority of readers here may be using Gmail instead of Hotmail, I imagine there’s a few out there that still cling to the ol’ Hotmail.

Personally I used to love hotmail, and there still is that air of ‘polish’ about it versus Gmail, but I love Gmail now.  And just as I decided to officially merge the 2 accounts and phase out my old address I notice Gmail now got rid of the ‘import’ option.  Now I have to keep this app.

Good thing it updated today, and with the update comes some better ICS support.  And that annoying bug where it didn’t seem to sync properly, and if you ever did a refresh data, it just doubled everything… yeah, that seems to be gone too.

I’ve still got some issues with it myself (like the folders aren’t as intuitive), but it’s still pound for pound the best ‘plug and play’ email setup for Hotmail users out there.

Go grab the app, or the update!

Play Link:

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