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Google Plus Update – Hangouts for all*, no more Beta!

Man, I love this app / webapp.  So much so that I’m converting all my updates to be on there only [what you may see on FB or twitter are merely mirrors].

The only thing that seemed to be missing was (besides more people) was to merge somehow the Hangout feature in G+ with the Huddle in the app.

Well, now Huddle is called “messenger” and will include both it seems like.

The other issue of people is being taken care of the fact that it’s now open to EVERYBODY.  It’s still beta, but a public beta.

So get on with it people?  Join up.  Point your phones to here to get it!

What I’m interested to find out is how Messenger will work between Huddle/Hangout and how will it work without a front facing camera [for us poor schmoes who can’t afford the latest and greatest].

Here’s hoping it fixes the lag in the notifications – and what I’m noticing is that photos aren’t automagically uploading.

[Source:  Google Blog]

Follow Ryan on G+

Oh, and here’s my shameless plug for more space!
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