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Google Drive, meet QuickOffice

I’ve been a big supporter of Google services… ever since my first Android.  It was one of those ‘why haven’t I been using this sooner?’ moments.

My biggest ‘sell’ was using Google Drive (then Docs).

It was exactly what I was looking for, and at the time had some bugs to work out.  But it’s come a long way.

Something I still gripe about is the fact that the spreadsheet editor isn’t at all what it could  be, and why I still keep an Office Suite program on my phone and tablet (besides for 10¢, how could you argue not to?).

Well, I think things are going to look up for Drive with Google’s most recent acquisition:


Google announced it today in a very non-descript blog entry:

What will come of this merger?  Who knows.  But it was interesting to say the least, as more and more I’ve seen QO preloaded on many phones (often just the viewer, but still).  Will it mean that the Pro HD version will now be free, or just part of Google Drive?  I shelled out the bucks for QO some time ago, and I won’t get angry if it happens.  Just maybe Google will see that and give me a credit for something else in the Play Store.

Let’s see how long it’ll take before we start seeing changes in the platform!

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