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Galaxy Nexus Has 99 Problems, But A Glitch Ain’t One

Since the official launch of the Galaxy Nexus on all our big carriers, I have seen quite a few posts popping up recently. A lot of ‘I love the Galaxy Nexus’ posts, but also a bunch of unsatisfied users. It seems the Galaxy Nexus has a number of issues that need to be worked out. Granted not every user has experienced these issues, but the signs are present that these issues exist.

As I’ve mentioned many times. The Galaxy Nexus suffers from a weak back speaker. To ‘fix’ this issue, users have been recommending an app called “Volume+” to boost the sound volume. On top of that, a few custom roms are including volume tweaking options.

The colors on the Galaxy Nexus are a little off too. If you have another phone, you can load up the google page and compare the white backgrounds to each other. For some reason the Galaxy Nexus has an off white tint and the colors just don’t seem to pop like on many other phones.  There are a couple custom roms and kernels that are addressing this issue, or allowing users to tweak their own colors.

Random reboots and signal drops are being reported on many websites and forums. I too have suffered from them. I personally have had these fixed when I flashed the official 4.0.2 recovery image, but others say they still encounter them, just less frequently.

This one is unconfirmed, but I heard some of the Canadian carrier released models such as Telus and Rogers might have to rely on Samsung for their updates and not Google itself. Once again, that is only based on what I’ve read around, but it’s defiantly something to watch out for.

Poor battery life is also being reported from many users around the forums.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not an ‘I hate Galaxy Nexus speech’. It’s just to point out some of the issues that new users may encounter when choosing this phone. I’ve been asked numerous times on Google+ if the Galaxy Nexus is worth the 3 year contract, for these reasons I decided to post this up others that may be looking to see if there are existing problems. Sadly enough, I know quite a few people who are returning their Galaxy Nexus’ due to the fact it didn’t meet their expectations. We all know returning a phone to our big carriers is not always the easiest thing, they always lay down a lot of red tape you have to dance around.

Bottom line. The Galaxy Nexus is a great phone, but be aware of some of the existing issues that you might encounter like a bunch of others.

I know a lot of our readers may disagree with what I wrote here, feel free to rant and rave in the comments below. lol

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