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Fake Android Netflix App Stealing Account Information

A bogus Netflix app has been circulating around certain online forums, causing problems for those downloading the software. Taking advantage of users who may be seeking out a functional version of the app for unsupported devices, a mock log-in screen collects account usernames and passwords and ships them off to a central server. The app appears to do little else.

The question here is why would someone go through all the trouble of collecting Netflix account info? Once granted access to an account, the would-be thief has access to very little personal details and won’t be collecting on the limited credit card info provided. As CNET notes, it is possible the app is a test run for something a bit more devious, like a fake banking app, but that is speculation at this point. The more likely story? Someone didn’t want to deal with Netflix rate hike and was hoping to collect a nice list of freely accessible accounts. Who wouldn’t want all those free movies?

[via CNET]

Once again, backing up the warning as I always due. Double check your sources, make sure they are reliable, and always know what you are downloading.

I have posted download links in the past for Netflix, they are totally safe. I never post a download link that I have not used myself.



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