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Bump App Hits Android Market

The extremely popular iPhone application “Bump” has made its debut on the Android Market!

Bump is an application on your Android phone that lets you share contact information or photos quickly and in a fun way. The app uses an Android device’s sensors to actually “feel” a bump from another Android device.

Once the two devices bump together, the information it sent to the web and matching algorithms match the two bumped phones and swap the contact information. It is actually quite interesting to see the app in action.

The contact information and/or photos are saved automatically to the device and this eliminates a lot of the hassle of having to exchange information.

As mentioned, Bump for Android includes support for both contact and photo swapping but the app is also cross-platform, which means you can bump your Android device with an iPhone device and vice-versa. If Bump takes off with enough device support, we may never have to swap contact information using traditional methods ever again!


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