Android Market To Reach 100,000 Apps This Month!

This month, the Android platform is set to pass the 100,000 app (paid & free) milestone! To date, the market has over 90,000 apps, giving it a few more weeks to reach 100,000.

While this is not yet an official Google number, we expect Google to make a formal announcement soon.

It was only just the end of June 2024 that Google passed the 65,000 app mark. It is clear that the Android platform is rapidly growing.

While the Android Market is still behind Apple’s App Store, which is currently serving more than 225,000 applications, the Android Market is catching up.

Many major developers, such as Amazon and Sling Media, have recently begun porting apps that had previously only been available on other platforms, such as Apple’s iOS.

These new apps, mixed with a growing customer base, have helped the Android Market grow.


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