LG May Be Planning A Collection Of Devices Based On Latest Trademark Filings

LG Trademarks


LG has definitely built themselves up into one of the top mobile tech companies over the last year or so.  Their Optimus G and Nexus 4 really helped re-establish them as a great phone manufacturer and their LG G2 is going to be one of the most powerful devices of 2024.  And now that the smartphone side of things is rolling, it appears they’re ready to expand their portfolio based on these trademark filings in South Korea.

The trademarks which they have filed for on their home turf include the GPad, G Watch, G Glass, G Link, G Band and G Hub.  Now LG has made it known that the letter “G” is going to be their Android brand going forward (think Galaxy for Samsung) so it’s likely these are all Android devices.  The G Pad sounds like a tablet (something they haven’t done in a while) and the G Watch and G Glass also seem pretty straight forward, smart watch and smart glasses.  G band sounds like some sort of exercise companion, likely akin to Nike’s FuelBand.  The G Link and G Hub are the ones that are a little bit more difficult to pinpoint but the G Hub is likely going to be some sort of app/media market and G Link may be what links all of their devices together.

Beyond the fact that they’ve filed for these trademarks, not much else is known at this time as to whether they’re already in the process of creating new devices or possibly just saving the names just in case.  I would definitely wager on the former rather than the latter as other companies are already hard at work with wearable tech and I can’t see LG wanting to fall behind the curve at all.  We’ll keep you posted if/when more news emerges regarding the new G series of devices.


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